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Erdmények 1-4 a teljesböl korülbelül 4
Nyelvröl forditàs
Ez a forditàsi kérés "Csak az értelme".
Orosz Анненский Иннокентий Среди миров
Среди миров
Среди миров, в мерцании светил
Одной Звезды я повторяю имя...
Не потому, чтоб я Ее любил,...
А потому, что я томлюсь с другими.
И если мне сомненье тяжело,
Я у Нее одной ищу ответа,
Не потому, что от Нее светло,
А потому, что с Ней не надо света.
Може да не е художествен превод, а само буквален.
Британски или американски английски.

Author - Анненский Иннокентий (edited by Siberia, no translation of names)

Befejezett forditàsok
Angol In the universe
Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol Hello, I am an English and German teacher .
Hello, I am an English and German teacher. I have been teaching and translating for 15 years since I graduated from the Moscow Teachers' Training University.
In teaching I prefer an integrated approach where a student is involved in learning all the aspects of a language: listening,writing, reading, speaking, enabling a student achieve qualitative results in mastering a language. Depending on your individual goals and desires we will modulate our carriculum.
I love my profession and I am proud of it. I prefer hardworking goal-oriented students.
Alternatively I can suggest an exchange of lessons (my English for your advanced German or intermidiate Italian).
Hope to make the learning process mutually beneficial.

Befejezett forditàsok
Német Hallo, ich bin Englisch- und Deutschlehrer.
Nyelvröl forditàs
Angol That school is raising up a fresh, fiery brand of...
That school is raising up a fresh, fiery brand of young people who want to change the world.

Befejezett forditàsok
Német Diese Schule erzieht eine neue, feurige Art von...
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